PERILS OF THE PLOT: HOW TO WRITE A SUSPENSE NOVEL Two Saturday Mornings with Robert Westbrook WIRED CYBER CAFÉ Taos, New Mexico Saturday, December 13th & 20th, 2014: Cost: $75 The Workshop Will Continue after Xmas, Sat, Jan 10 – Feb 14 6 Saturday Mornings, Developing Your Novel, Cost: $200 In two Saturday morning sessions, we’re going to discuss the story-structure of suspense novels – how to create suspense, how to conceive a workable story idea, how to develop your idea, how to set it in motion. This is going to be a very practical workshop, focusing on actual problems commonly encountered when writing a novel. Writers generally begin with an emotion – raw feelings in search of a plot – and it’s my goal to help you find the narrative structure that will best allow you to express what you want to say. We’re going to examine the structure of classic mysteries, thrillers, P.I. novels, non-genre suspense novels, and more. Above all, I’m going to emphasize the art of constructing interesting characters. This is Ground Zero of suspense writing: First, create a sympathetic character for the reader to bond with, then throw this individual into the lion pit, so to speak – a dangerous journey the hero must navigate to reach safety on the other side. It’s not explosions or car wrecks that keep readers turning pages; rather, it’s our willingness to identify with the struggles of someone we care about who is in danger, and our curiosity as to how the drama will turn out. At the end of these two Saturday morning sessions, my hope is that each participant will have a strong idea for a novel, including the setting, the protagonist, the villain, and the crime or danger that your hero will encounter. Everyone will have a chance to present his/her story idea to the class. After a break for Christmas, I’m planning to start up again on January 10th with a longer workshop: six Saturday mornings that will be devoted to more specific issues – how to get a first chapter off the ground, building dramatic tension, the art of constructing scenes, final chapters, wrapping up the plot . . . and most important, getting your work out to the public in today’s difficult market. We will consider both traditional publishing and the new options of self-publishing online. For further information, please contact me at or 575 758-2997. Registration required. Some Student Comments on Robert Westbrook Workshops: "Robert was extremely skilled at presenting the technical aspects of writing, along with anecdotes and real-life experiences about what publishers will accept. He also critiqued well, presenting positives and challenges. I would recommend [this workshop] highly and I'd try to come back! Thanks so much for a wonderful & inspiring time!" |